In 2014, Tess embarked on her journey to living a more conscious lifestyle as she discovered her passion for health and fitness. With hopes to inspire people to also find their joy for healthy living, Tess began sharing her journey online. Since then, cooking and food photography has become apart of her creative outlet. Tess develops easy, nutritious and tasty vegan recipes and has released 3 successful recipe ebooks.
Tess has grown a large audience on Instagram and YouTube where she shares her balanced approach to life, workouts, recipes and meal inspiration. Her photography and recipes have featured in various ebooks, cookbooks, blogs, magazines, and on products in supermarkets across Australia. Tess believes it is important to work with brands that are aligned with her values, and her audience trust her honest judgment.
When she’s not whipping up a storm in the kitchen or exercising, Tess enjoys being at the beach, pottery, and exploring vegan cafes with family and friends.